Epic Games is a famous games company founded in 1991, and since then, it has become one of the top gaming companies. People love epic games, and most are often curious to know where epic games install games. 

Where Does Epic Games Install Games? Usually, the answer is C:\Program Files\Epic Games. Although it has a default location, you can change the epic games install location. And there are two ways to check its location: opt for the Open file location or go through the directory.

This article comprises some methods you can use to determine the location of your installed Epic Games and a few ways to change the location of your best games.

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Where Does Epic Games Install Games?

The process is almost similar to downloading a game from any other platform. All your games would automatically download and store in your computer’s system drive ( commonly the c drive). The default installation location for any game, including those from the epic games, is here. However, before installation, you can control the epic games installation location and select the preferred location for the installation directory.

Where Do epic games install games

Here, we’ve addressed where the Epic Games game folder is placed on your computer and how to get there. However, when customers install a game for the first time, Epic displays a pane to alter the installation location. Thus, there are multiple install locations. Below are a few methods for finding the location of installed Epic Games on your computer.

Using The Open File Location Option

The easiest way to see where epic games install games is by utilizing the open file locations feature. This particular option is beneficial for finding the install location of any app. To check it, follow these given steps.

Step 1: Navigate to the game’s shortcut created on the desktop and click it with the right mouse button. Select “Open File Location” to bring up a list.

open file location

Step 2: A folder with the game file in it will appear.


Checking The Directory through another game.

You can also try installing another Epic game and checking the installation directory to see where it is set. Typically, Epic Games keeps the installation directory they chose for their final installation. So, where do epic games install games?

installation directory

While the installation is taking place, check the installation directory, then go there to locate your other installed games.

Visit: Epic Games Store

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Change Epic Games Install Location.

Now that you know where epic games install games, you can even change the location to your desired folder instead of saving it in the default location.

Utilizing The Epic Game Launcher

An epic game launcher is a great tool to change the install location. First, download the Epic game launcher, followed by the given steps.

Step 1: Beneath the Epic game install location on the system, you would need to copy the game folder and proceed with pasting it into the preferred folder, such as F:\Epic Games

utilizing the epic game launcher


Step 2: Delete the game from its original location in the epic games launcher. Open the library tab > press the settings gear on the game’s thumbnail > Finally, select uninstall.


Step 3: Re-install the game, but you don’t need to wait for it to download completely. Click on Open the library tab > find the game >Press the install button linked to the game.


Step 4: Tap “browse” and select the new location (similar to the location mentioned in the first step) to save the game. At the same time, it asks you to choose the location for installation.

location for installation

Step 5: When the downloading percentage exceeds 1%, terminate the downloading process and shut the launcher. Delete the game folder from its original location. Go back to the epic games launcher and continue the installation.epic games launcher to install games

Step 6: Let files get verified, and once the download is finished, you may start playing the game.

Use The Command Prompt To Change The Location.

Command prompt can be utilized for creating a symbolic link to change epic games’ install locationShut off any open games and the Epic Games Launcher. Change the location of the game folder. Launch the Command Prompt with administrator privileges. 

  1. Utilize the Windows search bar to find Command Prompt 
  2. Run as administrator can be chosen by selecting the right mouse button after clicking the search result.

command prompt for epic game launcher

Enter the command “ mklink /D “#” “*” “ and press enter. This way, you can create the symbolic link for a new location. Once done, a message will pop up something similar to “ symbolic link created for C:\Program Files\Epic Games\Infinity Blade <<===>> F:\Epic Games\Infinity Blade.”You may now play the game by launching it with the Epic game launcher.

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How to install games through epic game launcher?

Launch the Epic Games Store. Select Library. To install a game, click on it to start the installation process after finding it. Click on Install after choosing the installation directory you want to use. Wait for the download to finish before clicking the icon to start the game.

Can I add epic games to my Steam library?

Although many epic games are limited to the epic games store, you can still add them to the default steam install location. A game that is not on Steam can be added. However, you won’t be able to access any social features, trading cards, or achievements related to the Steam games.

Why are my games no longer available in the epic games launcher?

If you experience this, try not to panic. Restart your launcher. Check through the 'Hide game library.'

How can I download the Epic game launcher?

On the website for Epic Games, you can get it. To launch the downloaded file, click it twice. Press Install to finish the process after selecting the location.


Now you know where epic games install games. How to check where the games are getting installed on your system, and how to change the epic game’s install location. The best way to change and control the epic games install location is by using the epic games launcher. So, whenever you want to see the location of the epic games, you install them. Just go through this article and memorize the methods to do so.

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