When you deactivate Snapchat, your profile becomes invisible, and friends can’t see your username or send messages. Your data and snaps are stored for 30 days, and you can reactivate them by logging back in. If you do not reactivate within this period, Snapchat permanently deletes all associated data. So, in this article, we will discuss in detail what happens when you deactivate Snapchat


What Happens When You Deactivate Snapchat Account

Deactivating Snapchat can lead to a few immediate changes. Here is the answer of what happens when you deactivate your Snapchat account:

Effects on Your Social Life

Looking After Personal Well-being

See Also: How To Save Chats In Snapchat? Easy Step-By-Step Guide


How to Deactivate Snapchat

Deactivating Snapchat can give you a break from the app. The steps to deactivate Snapchat are the same for IPhone and Android users and are listed below:

  1. Go to your profile settings,
  2. Scroll down to “Account Actions.” 
  3. Select “Deactivate My Account.” 
  4. Follow the given instructions to complete the process.

After deactivation:

Can You Determine If Someone Has Deactivated Their Snapchat

Knowing if someone has deactivated their Snapchat can be tricky. Here are some clear signs to figure it out:

Also, pay attention to Snap scores. If it is a deactivated account, then the snap score will be still for a long time. Scores usually change with activity.

Try sending a snap. If it remains unopened for weeks, it’s a sign. Deactivated accounts won’t get your message.

See Also: Is Snapchat Location Accurate? Everything You Need to Know

How To Know If an Account Is Deactivated or Deleted?

It can be tricky to Identify a deactivated account. Thankfully, these signs can help you know. Here’s what to look for:

Deactivated Account SignsDeleted Account Signs
Snapchatter" in conversations.Usernames completely gone from chats.
No search results for profile.No search results for profile.
Missing from friends list till re-activation.Missing from friends list permanently.

If the activity does not elevate after days, it’s a clue of deletion.


What Can I Expect After Deactivating Snapchat?

Your profile becomes invisible to friends. Messages and snaps are stored for 30 days. After that, everything is permanently deleted.

Will Removing the App Deactivate My Account?

No, simply removing the app does not deactivate your account. You need to deactivate it in the app settings properly. This ensures your account is truly inactive.

Can I Still Receive Messages After Deactivation?

No, you won't receive new snaps or messages after deactivation. Your friends can’t see your profile to send you anything. Messages sent during this period will remain pending.

What Happens to My Friends List?

During deactivation, your friends list is hidden. Friends won’t see you in their lists. If you reactivate, your friends list comes back as it was before.

How to Reactivate My Account?

Log back into the app. This restores your profile, messages, and snaps. Make sure to do this within 30 days to prevent data loss.

What will happen to my Conversations If I Delete My Snapchat Account?

Deleting your Snapchat account affects your conversations. Your saved chats will no longer be visible. Your friends won't see your old messages anymore. However, messages you sent before deleting the account remain. They will appear as ‘Snapchatters’ in the chat history. This way, friends know you’ve left the platform.

What will happen to my Steaks If I Delete My Snapchat Account?

Deactivating your Snapchat account can impact your streaks. Snapstreaks are built on continuous daily snaps between friends. When you deactivate, you can’t send or receive snaps. This break disrupts your daily snaps. Thus, deactivation means losing your streaks.

How Many Times Can You Deactivate Snapchat?

You can deactivate your Snapchat account multiple times. There is no official limit on deactivation. This allows flexibility if you need breaks.

Can I Reactivate My Snapchat Account After Deactivation?

Yes, you can reactivate your Snapchat account within 30 days. Logging back into the app will restore your profile and data. If you fail to log in within this period, Snapchat deletes all your data permanently and you’ll have to create a new account to use the app again.