You are scrolling through Reddit to check out the latest feeds in the hope of being up-to-the-minute on current events, and what you instead see is the [removed] sign. And now you have no idea what to do.

  1. Go to Unddit.
  2. Right-click and choose Bookmark this Link.
  3. Open the Reddit post and click your Unddit bookmark.
  4. View deleted content.

The [removed] sign serves as a notice when a post is deleted for any reason whatsoever by a Redditor or a moderator. When this is done, the original thread and the title remain, but the content doesn’t exist anymore when you click on it. Don’t worry. In a world where social media dominates our lives, if you delete something, it’s easy to retrieve back. 

How to see deleted Reddit comments?

So, here are some options that help you go through the same.


If you are struggling to see deleted comments on Reddit, Ceddit is the best solution. What exactly is it?

How does it work for you? It is a third-party website that quickly lets you look at deleted posts in its interface. It automatically redeems most of the deleted comments and accents them in red. But there is a limitation to its functioning. It doesn’t run smoothly if the Reddit auto-moderator deletes the words.

There are situations when you want to access comments on a specific post. In such a case, you must replace the “r” from in the URL with a “c,” and there you have it.

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The second option that you can go for is Removeddit. It is a marketable website that has served its purpose for a long time. Just like Ceddit, we have two different ways of operating it. The first is simply opening the website and getting +ahead with the comment. The second is by selecting the URL and replacing the word “Reddit” with Removeddit. Isn’t it convenient too?removeddit

The distinguishing feature of Removeddit is it also presents the count of already removed comments from a post. You’ll see removed comments with a red background and deleted ones colored blue as you search further.


Another splendid website that can turn out handy for you is Resavr. It is grand because it can save comments of over 650 characters extended. It is an excellent tool as it also recommends what should remain posted. This can prove to be helpful for others. It saves space by removing shorter and unnecessary sentences. It gives you a detailed account by stating when the comment was deleted.resavr

The interface is straightforward to use. It provides you with personal and updated feedback. The search bar for this purpose is located in the upper right corner. It also has a recent tab to assist you with recently deleted comments to keep you updated. A win-win!

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Un-delete Reddit Comments

It is a Chrome extension that lets you cache Reddit posts. This helps you to view them any time later. It can save every type of comment, even if they are subsequently deleted. But it cannot access already deleted comments. It is the most powerful tool for recording every critical analysis done on a particular post. It is genuinely well-regarded in its preservation function and is better than Ceddit, as there are no censored activities here.udrc

There is no need to install any third-party software. It acts as a safeguard against any comment made in the future. 

Wayback Machine

This is more of an internet archiving service. It captures the activities of internet webpages through snapshots and stores them for future retrieval. The story of its creation is astonishing. Its purpose was to preserve the history of the internet. It is ensuring that anyone can go back in time and observe the evolution of the internet. Complicated, huh? But here you are concerned with looking at deleted Reddit comments, and it does that too.wayback machine

It saves a screenshot daily, so there are high chances of finding whatever you want. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which hack is the best to see deleted Reddit comments?

All of the above hacks are easy to use and efficient. Which one to choose depends on the level of use and the details you need.

Can anyone delete your posts or comments on Reddit?

No, only the moderators and admins have the right to do so. Your threads shouldn't violate the subreddit guidelines.

How do you search for comments on Reddit?

Type the username in the search box and click enter. All the Reddit posts and comments are available by a particular user.


Each subreddit on the website functions automatically. In simple words, it deletes any spammy comments without even a warning. In such situations, you can ask the moderators to lift this ban.

Then you can further access the deleted comments from their profile. But for others, all they can see is the word deleted. So, these hacks can help you see the deleted comments and the additional details.

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